In the Greek cuisine the list of pies is endless. Any kind of ingredient can become a pie, plus every region in the country has its own way of making pies. We are a nation that adores pies! No doubt about that!
In the Greek cuisine the list of pies is endless. Any kind of ingredient can become a pie, plus every region in the country has its own way of making pies. We are a nation that adores pies! No doubt about that!
Beetroot salads are one of the finest salads, naturally thanks to the presence of this wonderful- in flavor and in color!- root vegetable. In Greece we make a very special salad with beetroots that’s not exactly like a salad, but mostly it reminds you of a dip! Either way, it is utterly delicious!
Spanakoryzo aka Greek style spinach with rice, is a legendary Greek family dish. Every child in the country grew up by eating at least once a week this simple, yet nutritious and tasty dish.
On today’s new blog post we’ve got some lovely zucchini fries. Elegant but still crunchy, these zucchini fries are so delicious in their Greek flavors which are enhanced with a wonderful Greek style yoghurt dip!
Our dish today is a very special one! Made usually in summer when peppers are in abundance it can be served as an appetizer and it will thrill everyone! It’s so delicious!
If you’re looking for the most frequently served summer dish by a Greek mom, well this is it! Green beans are one of the most cultivated vegetables in Greece and in summer you can find them in abundance and in different varieties.